Executive Diploma AeU

About AeU
Asia e University (AEU) is a flexible-mode international university set in Asia, with its headquarters based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With Learning Centres in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Sri Langka, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia (and the list is continuously growing), AeU is a university set in Asia , by Asians under the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). AeU programmes and products focus on and will be characterized by flexibility, quality and relevance to global environment

AeU Executive Diploma Programme
School of professional and Executive Education (SPEED), is the executive education arm of AeU. The Executive Diploma programmes are offered to working adults who need specific knowledge and skills to enhance their capabilities. The Executive Diploma is targeted to improve productivity of participants, improve organization competitiveness and provide opportunity for career growth.

Programme Offereds

·        Executive Diploma in Management

·        Executive Diploma in Management (Human Resource Management)

·        Executive Diploma in Management (Plantation Management)

Programme Strentghs

·        Programme Design for working adults
·        Classes on weekends
·        Study materials and refreshment provided
·        Qualification awarded by Asia e University
·        Qualified trainer with industry experience
·        Overseas module in an Asean Country
·        Industrial Seminar with leading industry practitioners

Entry Requirement
·        SPM with minimum of 2 years of work experience
·        Any other qualification with work experience, subject to approval of the University

·        Attendance
·        Presentation
·        Class exam / test
·        Assignment

·        12 months

·        2 days in a months (Saturday & Sunday)

Program Financing:
·        EPF Withdrawal or Installment by Semesters

·        Qualified trainers with industrial experience

Executive Diploma Award:
·        Awarded by Asia e University upon successful completion

Special Features
·        One Industrial Seminar with leading Industry Practitioners
·        Overseas Module will be conducted in Asean Country

Programme Highlights

Study Paths

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