Executive Master AeU

About AeU
Asia e University (AEU) is a flexible-mode international university set in Asia, with its headquarters based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With Learning Centres in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Sri Langka, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia (and the list is continuously growing), AeU is a university set in Asia , by Asians under the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). AeU programmes and products focus on and will be characterized by flexibility, quality and relevance to global environment

Programme Offereds
  • Executive Master in Management
  • Executive Master in Plantation Management
  • Executive Master in Human Resource Development

Programme Objectives

·        Develop and enhance management knowledge and skills in all functional areas
·        Develop ability to evaluate various management techniques
·        Develop human capital requirements for senior management positions
·        Develop capabilities to optimized value for various stake holders
·        Develop good managers confident and capable of supporting Asian’s fast growing economics
·        Develop futuristic managers with sound understanding of Asian values to become globally competitive.

Entry Requirement

·        Bachelors Degree approved by the university with minimum 3 years of work experience and at least 26 years of age or
·        Executive Diploma or Diploma with minimum of 32 years of age and with at least 10 years of work experience of which at least 3 years must be at executive level 0r
·        Any other qualification with work experience, subject to approval of the University

·        Attendance
·        Presentation
·        Class exam / test
·        Assignment

Delivery Mode
·        Lectures
·        Case Studies
·        Presentation
·        Experiental Learning

·        15 months

Program Financing:
·        EPF Withdrawal or Installment by Semesters

Special Features
·        One Industrial Seminar session with leading Industry Practitioners to get sound understanding of the challenge and opportunities in managing corporations
·        One Module will be conducted in Australia preferably at a University Campus in Perth together with an Industry Visit
·        Membership with Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)

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